

Project members visit and decide what to research at the hospital.

On-site Research Tour at the Hospital

Project members inspect and monitor all the hospital units to determine the atmosphere and tone of everything that happens in the hospital. Members explore the possibilities to discover what kind of artwork and activities can be used to meet the hospital requirements.

Interviews with Patients

Project members interview patients to learn how they can best live and what they feel in the hospital. Members also obtain information such as traditional local culture, native plants and flowers for the four seasons, and information such as how patients spend their days in the hospital to assure learning for all members, working to create the best production possible. The hospital will be the place where the members confront the aches and pains the patients experience every day, and members will then develop individual themes through these communications.


Project members distribute and collect questionnaires by setting up questionnaire boxes at appropriate locations in the hospital or distributing questionnaires to hospital staff. The questionnaires will be used to collect objective data for obtaining information about production design.

Please tell us about the traditional local culture around the hospital.

Field Work

Project members conduct fieldwork research in order to properly identify areas surrounding the hospital. Members are to learn about the specific culture and tradition as well as to observe the life of local residents, while forming close ties with hospital staff and patients.

Let Us Learn Together

Study Group Meeting

The Study Group Meeting is a monthly meeting with participants from the hospital committee including doctors and nurses appointed by the hospital director and members from Collaborative Art Project. Project members present their designs and planning proposals for discussion and feedback during the meeting. This meeting provides an opportunity for in-depth discussion of major issues with regard to both the actual circumstances of patients at all levels, including hospital wards and departments, and patient emotional status and safety at the time when productions are exhibited.

Project Members Create Art Productions and Exhibit Them in the Hospital


Art production can go beyond the productivity determined by the Collaborative Art Project, and there are times when collaborative art production is developed in the form of workshops with the hospital. In addition to art products that are merely hung or displayed in a building, we also initiate projects to develop products that contribute to improving communication between hospital staff and patients while developing products embodying elements that blend in with local ambiance, that are always close to people.

Product Placement as Communication Tool

We create products that are useful for observing and for touching or moving, products that can be a communication tool to build bridges and bring people closer to people, as well as make people more comfortable with the hospital environment. Products are also expected to improve the quality of waiting time at the hospital.

Cooperative Development

Both Project Team members and the hospital staff will cooperate to design and implement equipment such as functional multiboards available at patient bedsides or systems to generate signals in patient rooms.

Hospital is the Center of Cross Culture Communication

Project members issue informative magazines or journals in the area surrounding the hospital to inform the community about activities going on in the Collaborative Art Project. Members conduct field interviews and search for local culture and traditions to publicize their importance and significance throughout the nation, conforming with procedures set forth in the policy for hospitals to be community cultural resources.

We Represent the Outcomes of Our Activities

Activity Report Meeting and Symposium

Project members will publicize activities undertaken by the Collaborative Art Project both inside and outside the university. From now on, the Activities Report Meeting will be publicized and the Evaluation Committee that consists of both teachers of Nagoya Zokei University of Art & Design and the hospital associates will evaluate what the Project is producing and determine whether it is appropriate. Moreover, the symposium is planned to bring together professionals from various fields such as fine arts, design and medicine in order to build up an integrated framework of knowledge from multiple angles and take responsibility for Project activity to develop into a social activity.





